2017年5月18日 星期四

Historical Figure

                                   Historical Figure


Name: Crystal

When Born: 1843 11/11

Before Sinker Land: Clarty

Become President: 1863 2/29

Story Of Crystal:

When she was a child, her family's financial situation was poor. She didn't have enough food and water. She started to lead a national movement to found property.
First, she made a geology detector and used it to ind some high value resources. Then, she  found liquid under the ground, she thought that might been valuable.Sinker Land is a vast desert, the weather in Sinker Land is terrible, every noon, is too hot to work, people can only work in the morning and afternoon. Workers use up too many finds, but that doesn't have effect. Crystal wanted to do it another way.
Second, she invented a machine that can dig the soil.Whether it is noon or night, it can work. This invention helped our country a lot, not only reducing the burden on the government, but also bringing us a lot of effect.
In 1919, she started to used this machine, and founded more oil and another property. In 1922, started Sinker Land's trading.