2017年3月16日 星期四



There are many different religion in the world. 
The Buddhism is the religion we are learning about.

The religion we studied is Buddhism, it was founded in Nepal, about 2600 years ago. It is estimated that around 350 million people follow Buddhism, The word Buddhism means The ''Awakened'' one, coming from the Sanskrit root bush-''To Woke'' Buddha is the man who has woken fully. There are also a lot of people follow this religion, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia are some of the countries that practice Buddhism. The sacred book of Buddhism is called the Tripitaka. It was written in an ancient Indian language called Pali which is very close to the language that the Buddha himself spoke. In this religion there are not god or gods, The Buddha, like modern sociologists and psychologists, believed that religious ideas especially the god idea have their origins inside the self. Buddhist symbolism is the use of Buddhist art to represent certain aspects of dharma, which began in the 4th centuryBCE.

They go to the temple to pray any time that they want, they usually use their hands or a candle to pray, during Chinese New Year they pray more. They wear their own clothes to pray, but sometimes they wear a yellow or gray robe and yellow shoes. They don't wear any special clothes or carry any special items and there are not formal leaders.'' On Buddhism's Day'' people sing songs and pray, that is a big and interesting festival.