2017年5月18日 星期四

Historical Figure

                                   Historical Figure


Name: Crystal

When Born: 1843 11/11

Before Sinker Land: Clarty

Become President: 1863 2/29

Story Of Crystal:

When she was a child, her family's financial situation was poor. She didn't have enough food and water. She started to lead a national movement to found property.
First, she made a geology detector and used it to ind some high value resources. Then, she  found liquid under the ground, she thought that might been valuable.Sinker Land is a vast desert, the weather in Sinker Land is terrible, every noon, is too hot to work, people can only work in the morning and afternoon. Workers use up too many finds, but that doesn't have effect. Crystal wanted to do it another way.
Second, she invented a machine that can dig the soil.Whether it is noon or night, it can work. This invention helped our country a lot, not only reducing the burden on the government, but also bringing us a lot of effect.
In 1919, she started to used this machine, and founded more oil and another property. In 1922, started Sinker Land's trading.

2017年4月27日 星期四



Q:When was he born?                                                                               
 A:18 May 1804.

Q:Where was he born?                                                                              
 A: Ajaccio,Corsica,France.                                                                         

Q:What did he do when he was young?

A:In May ,he was admitted to a military academy at Brienne-le-Chateau.On completion of this studies at Brienne in 1784,Napoleon was admitted to the elite Ecole Militaire in Paris.Upon                graduating in September 1785,Bonaparte was promated to captain in the regular army in July
       1792,despite exceeding his leave of absence and leading a riot against Frinch troops. 

Q:When was he young?

A:In 24 years old,he be a general.in 26 years old he lets his army to fight won in peninsula of Italy.

Q:Set of to Russia?
 A:Napoleon fight with his army to Russia.But they lost very awful.They never cheer up again.
    The French Revolution
    Henry XIV die by guillotine .Because he makes people hunger and take tax very much.The people can't patience. So trigger"The French Revolution"

Q:What did Napoleon do?

A:Napoleon, he was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century.Born on the island of Corsica Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the  military during the French Revolution after seizing political power in French in a 1799 coup d'e'tat, he crowned himself emperor in 1804.



1. Who founded the religion?

Yvonne founded an ancient building with a lot of things about Utocia.


  2. Where was it founded?

It was founded in Sinker Land.


3. When was it founded?

  It was founded a thousand years ago.

  4. How many people follow this religion?

Seven million people follow this religion.

 5. In what countries do they practice this religion?

 Utocia is practiced in Sinker Land.


6.What are the basic teachings of this religion?

  All creatures are equal. Don't be a liar (white lies are okay) or hurt people's hearts. Be nice to everyone.

 7. Does this religion have a sacred book? What is 

Yes. The book is called Accused of Sin and Jailed.

  8. What is the name of the god or gods in this religion?

The god is called Zia, and the godess is called Violet.


  Yes. Utocia has a sacred symbol. It means peace, purity and caring.


10. Where do they followers of this religion worship?

       They worship in a Pyramid.

 11. How do the followers worship? Do they perform any special rituals?

相關圖片    They wear their religious clothes and earrings or necklaces. Then, they dance with the poor people to worship. They sing a song of the religion and bring fruit. 

12. Do the followers of this religion wear any special clothes or carry any items?

「希臘神衣服  男」的圖片搜尋結果  The clothes are only white. The men wear earrings. The women wear necklaces.

13. What are the leaders of the religion called?

  The leaders of the religion are called Mia.

14. What are the major festivals for this religion? What do people do on this holiday?

  February 14th is Vize. People will go to the pyramid to worship Zia and Violet.


2017年3月16日 星期四



There are many different religion in the world. 
The Buddhism is the religion we are learning about.

The religion we studied is Buddhism, it was founded in Nepal, about 2600 years ago. It is estimated that around 350 million people follow Buddhism, The word Buddhism means The ''Awakened'' one, coming from the Sanskrit root bush-''To Woke'' Buddha is the man who has woken fully. There are also a lot of people follow this religion, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia are some of the countries that practice Buddhism. The sacred book of Buddhism is called the Tripitaka. It was written in an ancient Indian language called Pali which is very close to the language that the Buddha himself spoke. In this religion there are not god or gods, The Buddha, like modern sociologists and psychologists, believed that religious ideas especially the god idea have their origins inside the self. Buddhist symbolism is the use of Buddhist art to represent certain aspects of dharma, which began in the 4th centuryBCE.

They go to the temple to pray any time that they want, they usually use their hands or a candle to pray, during Chinese New Year they pray more. They wear their own clothes to pray, but sometimes they wear a yellow or gray robe and yellow shoes. They don't wear any special clothes or carry any special items and there are not formal leaders.'' On Buddhism's Day'' people sing songs and pray, that is a big and interesting festival.

2017年1月1日 星期日


Sinker Land's Flag
We've seven kind of rainbow stars. It's meaning is different people in Sinker Land. The boat's meaning is we can do many difficult things. The yellow's meaning is dessert. The green is growth. The white is clean.

What Type Of Government Does Sinker Land Have
Every country have government, Sinker Land's government is representative democracy. Our country have a nice government, too. Sinker Land is a beautiful and friendly country.

How Do Leaders Become Leaders?

Every people who live in Sinker Land will choose the best leader, the same leader can only be three years, every three years leader will be change other person. Everyone who live in Sinker Land has the right to vote,fair voting, the highest ticket will be our country's leader.

2016年12月29日 星期四

Treaty Form

The country of Sinker Land agrees to pay the country of Sonic Dream Land the amount of 3 gold stickers exchange for 2 High Tele for the duration of 1 weeks.